In His Own Arms:
Events, Actions, and Persons
“The experience of compassion does not seem to be satisfactorily understandable in scientifically naturalist ways only. Rather, understanding compassion would seem to presuppose a casually open understanding of some elements of experience as a whole. The ‘openness’ at issue here, in partial view sometimes only in the very structures of fictional, human, and divine persons, seems to surpass the reach of philosophical ethics itself. Perhaps this openness surpasses, too, any finally merely philosophical elucidations alone. For what seems to be most at strake in talk of ‘openness’ here is willingness to answer a fundamental, and always recurring, question. ‘If you want to identify me,’ Thomas Merton’s version of that fundamental question went, ‘ask me what I think I am living for, in detail, and what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for.” Peter McCormick.
Peter McCormick. In His Own Arms: Events, Actions, and Persons: Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University,, 2018. – xvi + 208 с. ISBN 978-617-7637-00-3
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